Witamy w portalu internetowym Banku Danych o Lasach.
  1. We have added a tool for reading selected data from the map by clicking the left mouse button.
  2. We have added the ability to copy coordinates on the map - functionality available under the right mouse button.
  3. We have added possibility of adding WMTS services to the map.
  4. We have added functionality of generating a permalink directing directly to the given forest division.
  5. We have added possibility to change thickness of lines in loaded SHP/KML/GPX files.
  6. We have added the ability to add packed KML/GPX files.
  7. We have added new base map - Topographic with contour.
  8. We have modified the operation of the "Share location" function available under the right mouse button.
  9. We have changed the appearance of the window from loading files and file properties.
  10. We have fixed some other minor bugs.

New portal functionalities you can see on film:
